Bist Du Bei Mir, aria
- Compositor
- Johann Sebastian Bach
- Tipo
- Classic
- Opus
- BWV 508
- Instrumentos
- Trompete
- Ciclo
- Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach
Partituras grátis
"Bist du bei mir, geh ich mit Freuden" is an aria from Gottfried Heinrich Stölzel's opera Diomedes, which was first staged on 16 November 1718. The aria is best known as "Bist du bei mir", BWV 508, a version for voice and continuo found as No. 25 in the 1725 Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach.
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O texto acima está disponível sob licença de Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike. Faz uso de material contido em artigo do Wikipedia "Bist du bei mir".