The Ruins of Athens
- Compositor
- Ludwig van Beethoven
- Opus
- Op. 113
- Ano de composição
- 1811
- Instrumentos
- Orquesta
Partituras grátis
- Turkish March
- Orquesta
- Full score
- Orquesta
Partituras gratuitas noutros sites
The Ruins of Athens, Opus 113, is a set of incidental music pieces written in 1811 by Ludwig van Beethoven. The music was written to accompany the play of the same name by August von Kotzebue, for the dedication of a new theatre at Pest.
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O texto acima está disponível sob licença de Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike. Faz uso de material contido em artigo do Wikipedia "The Ruins of Athens".
Outros títulos
de:Die Ruinen von Athen, es:Las Ruinas de Atenas